Know thy $self

I happened to notice two errors in one very small sub that I was testing out in Perl. I should note that I made these two very small errors while rewriting a custom Perl security module. Let’s take a look at the function before I spotted the errors:

# excerpt from
sub _cust_crypt {

 	my ($password) = @_;

        # Show the lack of crypted password:
 	print(" pass is " . crypt($password, "@Kry0N4uT!"));
	return crypt($password, "@Kry0N4uT!");


I was trying to figure out why I was getting a crypted password that was blank whenever I was using the function above when I realized my first mistake: I hadn’t listed $self as one of the function’s inputs.

Crypt Returns A Blank String

My second issue was that the Perl crypt function will only generate an encrypted string when the salt characters come from the set [./0-9A-Za-z]. If you look at my initial salt string of “@Kry0N4ut!” you can see that it contains two characters, not in the supported set.

So here is my corrected code after finding my $self, and correcting my salt:

 sub _cust_crypt {

 	my ($self, $password) = @_;
	return crypt($password, "0Kry0N4uT");


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